December 2nd to December 6th, 2021 – Eutaw Alabama
The City of Eutaw has officially started the Christmas Season with two community events. We even had a special visit from two of Santa’s helpers! It is important to be involved in the community, and support those organizations which work to bring business and opportunity to our area.

Our first official event for the 2021 Christmas Season was sponsored by the Eutaw Area Chamber of Commerce!
As the City of Eutaw is now an official Member of the Chamber of Commerce, we were happy to be invited to participate in the event!

Our second official event for the 2021 Christmas Season was sponsored by the City of Eutaw, Greene County Housing Authority, the Eutaw Area Chamber of Commerce, SCORE International, True Vine Foundation, and the Arlington Foundation!
The annual Christmas in Greene County event is usually located in Branch Heights. This year, due to increased popularity of the event it was held at the Old Courthouse Square. Free food and hot chocolate were provided. On December 5th, you could walk around the courthouse square and December 6th, you were able to drive by – not even the rain could stop people from coming out and enjoy the Christmas Spirit.